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Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013



Subject                         : English
School                          : SMP 12 Banjarmasin
Class / Semester          : VII / I
Skill Focus                   : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
Text                               : Functional text, Narrative
Theme                           : Feelings
Method                         : Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL)
Time Allocation          : 1 x 45 Minutes

A.           Standar Kompetensi
1.      Memahami makna dalam teks lisan Fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
2.      Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam lingkungan terdekat.
3.      Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.
4.      Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Competency Standards
1.      Understanding the meaning in simple short functional oral text to interact with nearest circumference.
2.      Expressing the meaning in simple short functional oral text to interact with the nearest circumference.
3.      Understanding the meaning in simple short functional written text that related with nearest circumference.
4.      Expressing the meaning in simple short functional written text to interact with the nearest circumference.

B.           Kompetensi Dasar
1.1.  Merespon makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lngkungan terdekat.
2.1.  Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
3.1.  Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
4.1.  Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Basic Competences
1.1.  Giving respond to the meaning of Speech action which is available in a very simple short functional oral text accurately, smoothly, and acceptance to interact with the nearest circumference.
2.1.  Giving Expression to the meaning of an idea in simple short functional oral text accurately, smoothly, and acceptance to interact with nearest circumference.
3.1.  Giving respond to simple short functional written text accurately, smoothly, and acceptance with the nearest circumference.
4.1.  Showing the rhetorical steps in simple short functional written text using a variety of language in writing accurately, smoothly. and acceptance to interact with nearest circumference.

C.           Indikator
1.1.1.        Mengidentifikasi keterangan dalam gambar berdasarkan gambar
2.1.1.        Memberikan penjelasan berdasarkan gambar
3.1.1.        Merespon pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tulis fungsional pendek
3.1.2.        Mengidentifikasi  informasi rinci dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek
4.1.1.        Menyusun percakapan berdasarkan serangkaian perintah
4.1.2.        Menjelaskan sebuah gambar

1.1.1.        Identifying the information in the pictures based on it.
2.1.1.        Giving explains based on the pictures.
3.1.1.        Giving responses to the questions based on the Short Functional Texts.
3.1.2.        Identifying the details information in Short Functional Texts.
4.1.1.        Arrange a dialog / conversation based on the series of commands.
4.1.2.        Explaining a picture.

D.          Tujuan Pembelajaran
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi ekspresi yang ditunjukan dalam gambar.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu melengkapi dan mencocokan keterangan dengan gambar.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu Merespon pertanyaan.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu memberikan penjelasan berdasarkan gambar.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan deskripsi suatu gambar.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu memahami tentang penjelasan atau deskripsi yang sesuai dengan gambar.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu menuliskan dialog atau percakapan berdasarkan serangkaian perintah.
ΓΌ  Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan tentang gambar.

Learning Objectives
ΓΌ  Students are able to identifying the expression that showing in the pictures.
ΓΌ  Students are able to complete and compare the information with the pictures.
ΓΌ  Students are able to give responses to the questions.
ΓΌ  Students are able to give explain based on the pictures.
ΓΌ  Students are able to answer the questions according with the description of a picture.
ΓΌ  Students are able to understand to the explanation or description according to the pictures.
ΓΌ  Students are able to write the dialog or conversation based on the series of commands.
ΓΌ  Students are able to answer the questions about the pictures.

E.           Learning Materials
1.      Listening Materials
§  Showing some pictures which expressing a person feeling and mentions the words / sentences which suitable to the expressing on the pictures. Example:
The dwarf feels so sleepy
§  Story telling of Snow White Story.

2.      Speaking Materials
§  Repeating the words according to the expressing on pictures. Example:
§  Students act out the dialog in Snow White Story. Example:
The queen asked her mirror:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
Who in this land is fairest of all?”
The mirror said:
“You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But young Snow-White is still
A thousand times fairest than you.”
§  Asking and giving information about people’ feelings according to the pictures. Example:
A: How does the dwarf feels?
B: He feels so sleepy.
3.      Reading Materials
§  Narrative text : Snow white story
4.      Writing materials
§  Make short dialog based on the pictures. Example:
A: How does the dwarf feels?
B: He feels so sleepy.

F.           Method
The method which is using here is Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL).

G.          Teaching and Learning Activities.
Teaching Stage
Teaching and Learning Process
Teacher’s Activities
Student’s Activities



Ø (Standing in front of the class)
-   Stand up, please!
-   Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.
-   Good afternoon, students.
-   How are you today?
-   I’m fine too, thank you.
-   Sit down, please.

ΓΌ (Standing up)
-   Wa’alaikumsalam, Wr. Wb.
-   Good afternoon, ma’am!
-   I’m Fine, and you?

ΓΌ (Sitting down)



Ø (Sitting on the chair)
-   Ok, Class. Before we begin our lesson today, let’s say a prayer according to our respective faith.
-   Let’s pray!
-   Cease praying.

ΓΌ (Praying)
ΓΌ (Finish for praying)



Checking attendance
Ø (Standing in front of class and hold the present list)
-   Now, let’s call the roll!
-   Who is missing today?
-   So, is everybody here?
-   Thank you. Good class!
Ø (Put back the present list on the table)

-   Nobody, ma’am!
-   Yes!




Ø (Stand in front of the class)

-   Okay, students. Are you ready for our lesson today?
-   Good class. Now, I have a game for you. Do you like to play a game?
-   Ok, the game is Guess My Face!

Ø (Teacher gives the clues/ rules play)
-   The clues: First, you make a group, just 2 groups in a class.
-   Second, each student from each group takes one card on me.
Ø (Take the cards on the table).
-    Then, see the word card.
-   Last, you acting out according to the words that you get. Your own group should guess what are you feelings that your face has shown?
-   Example: you have a word card “Happy”. You expressing that word. So, your group should guess what are you feelings??
-   Warning: Don’t say anything. Just expressing according to the words that you have.
-   For the right answer get 1 point. If it false, the opposite group will take the chance. If you can earn much point, you win! And I’ll give you a reward.
-   Now, let’s play!
-   Words card:

-   Ok, give applause for the winner!

-   Yes, ma’am!

-   Yes, ma’am!

ΓΌ (students listen to the clues)

ΓΌ (Students make their own group)

ΓΌ (students start to play the game)

ΓΌ (Students give applause)



Ø (Standing in front of the class)

-   You have already played a game named “Guess My Face”.
-   Now, I also have some pictures for you.

Ø (Take the pictures on the table, showing it one by one to the students and ask some questions based on the pictures)

-   What does the baby feels?

-   What does this family feels?

-   What does the dwarf feels?

-   What does the boy feels?

-   What does Fajar feels?

-   Sugi thinking many foods, what does Sugi feels?

-   What does the football player feels when he can’t make a goal?

-   What does the man feels?

-   She was sleep on her own desk, because she feels?

-   From those pictures, do you know what’s pictures showing about?
-   That’s right!
-   So, do you know what we are going to learn today?
-   Very good!

-         Yes!

ΓΌ (Students answer)

-   Sad!

-   Happy!

-   Sleepy!

-   Afraid!

-   Thirsty!

-   Hungry

-   Disappointed!

-   Angry!

-   Tired!

-   Feelings, ma’am!

-   Feelings!




Teaching presentation

Ø (Stick the pictures on the black board)

Ø (Stand in front of the class)

-   Ok guys, do you still have the word card that we’ve played before?
-   Now, I need your help to stick each word which is suitable to each picture.

-   Ok students, now you listen to me carefully. I’ll read it twice. Okay?

Ø (Begin to read the captions)

Γ  Sad  = /SΓ¦d/
à Happy = /Hæpie/
Γ  Sleepy = /‘Sliepie/
Γ  Afraid = /Ι™’freid/
Γ  Thirsty = /’thΙ™rstie/
Γ  Hungry = /’hΞ›nggrie/
Γ  Disappointed = /’disΙ™’pointid/
Γ  angry = /Γ¦nggrie/
Γ  tired = /taired/
-   Ok class, now you repeat after me.

Ø (Read the texts)

Γ  Sad  = /SΓ¦d/
à Happy = /Hæpie/
Γ  Sleepy = /‘Sliepie/
Γ  Afraid = /Ι™’freid/
Γ  Thirsty = /’thΙ™rstie/
Γ  Hungry = /’hΞ›nggrie/
Γ  Disappointed = /’disΙ™’pointid/
Γ  angry = /Γ¦nggrie/
Γ  tired = /taired/

-   Now, I want to ask you.
-   We want to eat some food because we feel what?
-   Ok, that’s right.

-   What will you feel when you see your cat death because an accident? Yes, Rara?

-   Devi, what will you feels if your mother gives you money?

-   What do you feels when your idol can’t make a goal in footballs match?

-   When you fell angry?

-   Ok, very good answer.

Ø (write down some sentences)
-    Ivan doesn’t have suffers. Now, he feels hungry.
-    Nadia having a picnic with her family, and she feels so happy.
-    The football players can’t make a goal. So, he feels disappointed.
-    Mother took a rest, because she felt tired.
-    Bunga feeling so sad because her cat is death.
-    Daddy was angry because his son always disturbing him when he worked.
-    I’m feeling so sleepy but I can’t sleep in classroom.
A: “Ivan, have you get suffer?”
I: “Not yet”
A: Are you not hungry?
I: “Of course, I am hungry”


-   I will read this text, and you repeat after me.

Ø (Teacher read the texts)

-   Ok, now please make a dialog like the example based on the text or the picture’s feelings on the black board, work it in pairs.

-   Ok have you finish students?
-   Now read your own dialog in front of the class.

-   Ok, well done guys!

-   Yes, ma’am!

ΓΌ (Students go forward and stick the word card to the caption)

-   Yes, ma’am!

ΓΌ (Students listen to the teacher)

-   Yes, ma’am!

ΓΌ (Students repeat after the teacher)

Γ  Sad  = /SΓ¦d/
à Happy = /Hæpie/
Γ  Sleepy = /‘Sliepie/
Γ  Afraid = /Ι™’freid/
Γ  Thirsty = /’thΙ™rstie/
Γ  Hungry = /’hΞ›nggrie
Γ  Disappointed = /’disΙ™’pointid/
Γ  angry = /Γ¦nggrie/
Γ  tired = /taired/

-   Feels hungry, ma’am!

-   Sad.

-   Sad, ma’am!

-   Happy, ma’am!

-   Disappointed!

-   When I study, someone are disturbing and annoying me.

ΓΌ (Students Repeat after the teacher read it)

-   Yes, ma’am!

ΓΌ (students begin to make some dialogs)

-   Yes!

ΓΌ (Each student goes to front of the class and read their own dialog with his/her pairs).



Second Materials

Ø (stand in front of the class)
-   Now, I’ve some story. The story is about SNOW WHITE.

Ø  (Take the papers on the table)
-   Have you ever heard about SNOW WHITE story?

-   What is the story about?

-   Ok, that’s good answer!

Ø  (Teacher distribute the story sheets)

-   Have you get it all?
-   All right. Now, I’ll read it for you, so you listen to me carefully.

Ø  (Begin to read the story)

-   Ok class, now who want to acting out this story? Play a drama of Snow White.
You Just read the dialog.

-   Ok, I need a narrator, a girl who will be the Snow white, 2 boys for the Huntsman and Prince, 1 girl being The Bad Queen, and 7 boys to be the dwarfs.
-   Devi you are the narrator
-   Yunita as the snow white
-   Sugi as the prince and the mirror, Sidik as the huntsman.
-   Andy, Arman, irwan, syahruji, fajar, ariyannoor, and reza are the dwarfs.
-   Now, let’s see the drama.

-   Ok, thank you.
-   Very good acting! Give applause for them.

-      Yes.

ΓΌ (Students give responds)

-   Yes, ma’am!

ΓΌ (Students quiet and listen to the teacher)

ΓΌ (some students raise their hands)

ΓΌ (the students are practice the dialog in the story)

ΓΌ (students finish to practice)

Post Activity
15 Minutes






Ø (Asking the difficulties that students get from the lesson)

-   Ok students, do you have any question for our lesson today? Or
-   Anything’s problem for materials today?
-   So, all of you are understand about the lesson today?
-   Very good.

-   Now, I have some exercise for you.

Ø  (Distribute the worksheet)

-   I give you ten minutes to answer the question.

Ø (Teacher are walking around to help students where necessary)

-   Ok, students. Finish?
-   Ok, please collect it.


-   Ok, class. You already heard, read, and identified about some feelings expression. Every day we are expressing our feelings. And almost all types of Texts sometimes included feelings in the sentences. But, there’s still many expression of our feeling’s that we are not discussing here. And I’m very proud of you because you are able to understand the lesson and you doing the best.

-   I think that’s all for our lesson today. Thank you for your attention. Keep study hard, always pray, and don’t forget to keep practice your English.

-   Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb

-   No, ma’am!

-   Yes ma’am!

ΓΌ (Students do the assignment)

-   Yes
-   Thank you ma’am.

-   Wa’alaikum salam, Wr. Wb

H.    Materials/Media/Learning Sources
-         Books relating to the themes
-         English dictionary
-         Images / Pictures / Media support taken from the internet

I.       Evaluations
v Written tests (Multiple Choice & Essay)
1.      Exercise 1
Key Answers
Total Score

2.      Exercise 2
Write 5 sentences.
1 sentence scored: 6
Total Score = 6 x 5 = 30

3.      Exercise 3
Total Questions: 8
Scores for Each Question: 5
Total scores: 5 x 8 = 40

ΓΌ  Accumulation all scores = Exercise 1 + Exercise 2 + Exercise 3
                                         = 30 + 30 + 40
                                         = 100

v  Oral test
Practice the dialogs!


Once upon a time in winter, a beautiful Queen was gave birth a daughter, who now called princess Snow-White.
After 2 years, the Queen was died. The King married again. Now the new Queen was the most beautiful woman in all the land, and she’s very proud of her beauty. She had a mirror, which she always look in front of it every morning, and asked:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall… Who in this land is fairest of all?”
And the mirror always said:
“You, my Queen, are fairest of all.”
Now Snow-White grew up, and when she was 15 years old, she was so beautiful, that she surpassed even the queen herself. Now when the queen asked her mirror:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
Who in this land is fairest of all?”
The mirror said:
“You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But young Snow-White is still
A thousand times fairest than you.”
When the queen heard the mirror say this, she became hated Snow-White. Her jealousy gave her no peace. Finally she summoned a huntsman and said to him, “Take Snow-White out into the forest, and stab her to death. As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me. I shall cook them with salt and eat them.”
The huntsman took Snow-White into the woods. When he took out his hunting knife to stab her, she began to cry, the huntsman took pity on her because she was so beautiful, and he thought, “The wild animals will soon kill her anyway. I’m glad that I don’t have to kill her.” Just then a young boar came running by. He killed it, cut out its lungs and liver, and took them back to the queen as proof of Snow-White’s death. She cooked them with salt and ate that, she thought that she had eaten Snow-White’s lungs and liver.
Snow-White was now alone in the great forest. She was terribly afraid, and began to run. She ran over sharp stones. Finally, when the night came, she arrived to a little house. The house belonged to seven dwarfs. They were working in a mine, and not at home. Snow-White was hungry and thirsty, so she ate a few little bread from little plate on the table, and she drank a glass of wine. Because she was so tired, she felt asleep. So she went to bed and lie down.
When night came, the seven dwarfs returned home from the work. And when a dwarf looked at his bed, he found Snow-White lying there, fast asleep. The seven dwarfs all felt surprise, “She is so beautiful!” They liked her very much. They became Snow white’s friends.
The Queen thought that she was again the most beautiful woman in the land, and the next morning she stepped before the mirror and asked:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?”
The mirror answered once again:
“You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White beyond the seven mountains
was a thousand times fairest than you.”
It startled the queen to hear this, and she became so angry.
 “Snow-White will die, if it costs me my life!”
Then she went into her most secret room, no one else was allowed inside and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. From the outside it was red and beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. Then she disguised herself as a peasant woman, went to the dwarfs’ house and knocked on the door.
Snow-White peeped out and said,
“I’m not allowed to let anyone go in. The dwarfs have forbidden it most severely.”
“If you don’t want to, I can’t force you,” said the peasant woman.
“I am selling these apples, and I will give you one to taste.”
“No, I can’t accept anything. The dwarfs are not let me accept anything.”
“If you are afraid, then I will cut the apple in two and eat half of it. Here, you eat the half with the beautiful red cheek!”
Now the apple had been made only the red half was poisoned. When Snow-White saw that the peasant woman was eating part of the apple, her desire for it grew stronger, so she finally let the woman give her the other half through the window. She bit it, but she barely had the bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead.
The queen was happy, went home, and asked her mirror:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?”
And it answered:
“You, my queen, are fairest of all.”
“Now I’ll have some peace,” she said, “because once again I’m the most beautiful woman in the land. Snow-White will remain dead this time.”
That evening the dwarfs returned home from the mines. Snow-White was lying on the floor, and she was dead. They loosened her laces and looked in her hair for something poisonous, but nothing helped. They could not bring her back to life. They laid her inside a glasses coffin, and all seven dwarfs seat next to her, they felt so sad and cried for many days.
One day a young prince came to the dwarfs’ house and wanted shelter for the night. When he came into their house and saw Snow-White lying there in a glass coffin. He asked the dwarfs to sell him the coffin with the dead Snow-White, but they would not do this for any amount of gold. Then he asked them to give her to him, and said that he could not live without see the Snow white, and he would keep her, and honor her as his most cherished thing on earth. Then the dwarfs took pity on him and gave him the coffin.
The prince had it carried to his castle, and had it placed in a room where he can see it for the whole day, he never taking his eyes from it. Now the servants who always had to carry the coffin to and fro became angry about this. One time one of them opened the coffin, lifted Snow-White upright, and said “We are plagued the whole day long, just because of such a dead girl,” and he hit her in the back with his hand. Then the terrible piece of apple that she had bitten off came out of her throat, and Snow-White came back to life.
She walked up to the prince, who was beside himself with joy to see his beloved Snow-White alive. They sat down together at the table and ate with joy.
Their wedding was set for the next day, and Snow-White’s godless mother was invited as well. That morning she stepped before the mirror and said:
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall…
“Who in this land is fairest of all?”
The mirror answered:
“You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But the young queen snow white is a thousand times fairest than you.”
She was horrified and not believed to hear this, and so overtaken with fear that she could not say anything. The Queen felt so angry, then she laughed to herself, then she cried alone, she run to the forest and never came back.

Exercise 1 
Read this dialogs carefully, and choose the right answer A, B, C, or D.
1.      Budi  : “Why Tyna looks so sad today?”
Bella : “…”
What will bella most likely to reply?
a.      Tyna pass the examination yesterday
b.      She get some books from her father
c.      She fail to get the scholarship
d.      Tyna went home.
2.      Evan : “I get new cycle!”
John : “that’s cool!”
What does Evan feels when he got new cycle?
a.      Sad                                    c.   Afraid
b.      Happy                              d.   Disappointed
3.      Vyra : “Stop annoying me! I am so busy right now!”
What does Vyra feels?
a.      Disappointed                  c.   Tired
b.      Happy                              d.   Angry
4.      Mother : “Are you okay,dear?”
Danis   : “Yes mom, I just need to take a rest for a while…”
What does danis feels?
a.      Tired                                 c.   Angry
b.      Disappointed                  d.   Hungry
5.      Budi : “Dani, Let’s we go to canteen to take a lunch!”
Dani : “No, thanks Bud. I brought my own meals”
Budi invite Dani to go to canteen because he feels…?
a.      Tired                                 c.   Thirsty
b.      Hungry                             d.   Happy

Exercise 2
1.      Make 5 sentences which tell about people’s feels.

Exercise 3
1.      According to Snow White story, Find out the feeling’s words which are included in the story!
2.      Why the new Queen doesn’t like princess Snow White?
3.      What does the Queen feels when she known that the Huntsman didn’t kill Snow white?
4.      Who was the owner of little house in the forest?
5.      What the peasant woman give to the Snow White?
6.      Why the Prince want to take care for Snow White?
7.      When the Snow white married with Prince?
8.      Can you tell the lessons that you have learn from the Snow White Story?

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